Sawyer – collaborative robot

Elsta company introduces to its offer a smart collaborative robot Sawyer produced by the American company Rethink Robotics. The industry’s fastest-to-deploy robot designed to automate many production processes.

Powered by the Intera software platform and designed with embedded vision, ClickSmart grippers, and high resolution force control, Sawyer is a fully integrated collaborative robot solution. Sawyer has an arm with 7 degrees of reach and a length of 1260mm, able to operate in a small space, intended for the work of human hands. Built-in force sensors allow him to make decisions depending on changing conditions during the execution of tasks, precision work +/- 0.1mm and safe operation next to working people.

Sawyer is based on revolutionary Intera software platform which can be used by anyone – from non-programmers with no experience to automation experts. Train-by-demonstration interface allows users to directly interact with the robot arm to train a task. Also Intera Studio lets users access robot tasks and fine-tune the details of the tasks from their laptop. Sawyer’s embedded vision system enables the Robot Positioning System, allowing dynamic re-orientation of the robot for easy re-deployment. Reliable and ready to quickly implement plug & play ClickSmart grippers allow to build and customize end-effectors for a wide range of tasks. Sawyer is also equipped with the Intera Insights program which enables real-time reporting.

– Z usług Sawyera korzysta już wiele światowych firm, takich jak: DHL, Siemens, General Electric czy L’Oréal. Jesteśmy przekonani, że Sawyer znajdzie również pracę w polskich firmach. Jego przewagą w porównaniu z innymi robotami współpracującymi jest łatwość użytkowania przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu efektywności kosztowej. Globalny system wsparcia dodatkowo ułatwia użytkownikom wykorzystanie pełnych możliwości robota

– Sawyer’s services are already used by many global companies, such as DHL, Siemens, General Electric and L’Oréal. We are convinced that Sawyer will also find a job in Polish companies. Its advantage compared to other collaborative robots is ease of use while maintaining cost-effectiveness. The global support system further facilitates the users to use the full capabilities of the robot – Mateusz Filipiak, Product Manager in Elsta said.

Collaborative robots are designed to interact with people and carry out monotonous work at the factory. Enterprises around the world face serious labor shortages. By placing Sawyer on the production floor companies can fill these gaps and move their employees to more responsible and complicated tasks.

Sawyer is produced by the American company Rethink Robotics, founded in 2008 by the robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks – former director of the Laboratory of Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence at the MIT University.

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